Sick and tired of going around in circles in your mind?
Scared of taking the steps toward what would really
make you happy?
You've tried 'everything' to find peace
and contentment in life, but failed?
As someone who spent over 20 years there,
I can help.
Come with me and learn how to ditch the strife,
enjoy life and be more you, so you can live, happy.
"The journey of 1000 miles begins with one step"
I help those who have lost their own identity due to a lifetime of putting others wants and needs first. Those who have everything they 'need' to be happy,
but still feel like there's something missing.
Those who despite having a seemingly 'perfect' life, feel guilty at being unhappy in it and are longing to take back control of the direction of their life and reconnect to their faith.
Stuck in your thoughts, unfulfilled mentally, emotionally and spiritually, you are ready to get started on the journey of unleashing joy and letting go of fear.

"Before I met Toni my life was empty, I felt lost and I didn’t have a clue what made me happy [...] My life has changed not just a little bit, its changed massively, I’m at peace [...] I love and accept me because of Toni's help and guidance [...] she helped shape a future where I see life as beautiful and happy [...]" - Nick

Does this sound like you?
Stuck in a rut? Constantly under stress / overwhelm?
Unhappy with your body?
Feel like your talent is wasted?
Feel guilt at your life not being 'enough'?
Wish you could express yourself freely?
Short tempered and irritable?
- Feel like you have to control/drive everything?
Your partner is starting to repel you?
Longing for someone to tell you everything is
going to be ok? -
Feel like you can't talk to anyone about your issues?
Longing to win the lottery or run away to the
top of a mountain alone?
Can you help me? ​
​Yes! Provided that you are truly ready to:
Stop making excuses and looking for the next magic pill
Commit to the journey of evolutionary change in your mindset
by getting to the truth of what's preventing your freedom -
Learn from and let go of your outdated perception of the world
Get connected to the authentic, carefree, fun filled you!
But how?
By undertaking my signature mindset programme 'I am' where in less time than it takes to grow a potato I can help you let go of the past, rewire your mind for the truth, get connected to who you truly are and enjoy life with unshakeable belief in your own self worth.
Supporting you on the journey to developing a peaceful mind, the ability to say 'no' without guilt, showing up as your authentic self, knowing what you want and need and aligning your life with God's purpose for it.
Using a combination of experience, wisdom, mindset coaching tools, God gifted intuition and the truth, we turn on the lights to precisely where you are now, where you want to be and discover all the obstacles that have been holding you back until now.
We axe through the layers of limiting beliefs, stories, decisions and behaviours that no longer serve you and replace them with a supportive framework of beliefs, habits and strategies (and the truth) that serve the glorious and abundant human being you were destined to be.
Why me?
I've been where you are. I spent more years than I needed to waiting for 'one day' to be happy with my life. Longing for a lottery win. Wanting to escape to a desert island.
The person responsible for the enjoyment of your life is YOU and I can help you shortcut the voyage of discovery to living your best life.
I learnt the long and hard way, so you don't have to!
What happens if I do nothing?
If you choose to continue exactly as you are:
Nothing will ever change and before long you'll arrive at regret.
You will remain resentful, people pleasing and sacrificing your own wants and needs for others - and likely blame them for it.
Your health will suffer, your willpower will disappear and you will likely invite a depression of your spirit.
I'm pretty sure you know where this road leads to if you choose to do nothing. You've seen the signs before.
What will change if I work with you?
Providing you have a healthy amount of commitment in your tank, I can help you:
Supercharge your faith
Develop a loving relationship with yourself and God
Have a peaceful mind, free of negative thoughts
Drop the mask and be who you are
Bring alignment between what you say, think and do
Make choices and decisions about you and your future with confidence
Stop struggling and go with the flow
- Live in the moment and enjoy life!
How can you work with me?
Get started with a free 30 minute insight session HERE so we can ascertain whether you're ready to embark on the most evolutionary journey of your life!
Here we can also discover whether you feel my signature programme is the best fit for you, or whether you may need just a couple of sessions to help you with a current challenge or decision.
Snatch a copy of my 5 Steps to Discovering Ultimate Happiness HERE where you can familiarise yourself with steps involved back to happy,
Or alternatively, pick up the phone the old fashioned way right now and just call me on
07717 533305, I don't bite.

"After working with Toni, I feel like a totally new person. Well, still me, but after 52 years of excuses, the real me.
The freedom I feel, is nothing short of majestic. My mind is peaceful, my relationship with my wife has never been stronger, my failing relationships with friends and family are repaired, my business has a new lease of life and I step out each day eager for the first time,
to live my own life!" - Steve
About me!

My name is Toni Milliken and I have done (extensively) ALL the work that I teach, and still practise it every day, because it works!
Knowledge is learning how to do something well, wisdom, is to keep practising it everyday.
My fun energy and enthusiasm for life are endless, and when you feel like you can't, I have a knowing of how to ensure you can.
Oh and I have ability to hear what you don't, can't (or won't) say.
What I stand for; faith, fun, freedom, love, authenticity and truth.
In 2014 my ideal client was me. Married, successful, lovely home, in a seemingly ideal life, but I wasn’t happy.
I didn’t like my reflection, I didn't like my husband, everything he did irritated me. I didn't love my job, I felt wasted. I didn't know what I wanted or who I wanted it with. I was stuck in my own mind, and really, really lost.
Having been raised in a home where Dad 'left us', Mum was resentful and bitter and turned to alcohol, my childhood lacked connection, nurturing and support.
I grew up hyper independent, bull headed, closed off , bound to a cycle of failed relationships and jobs that I hated. Thankfully I started my spiritual and personal development at a very young age, which saved my life multiple times along the way.
I graduated as an Intuitive Healer/Counsellor in 2010 from Obsidian College run by the late and incredible Lee Everett-Alkin, and even though I had grown magnificent at helping others, I was still regularly turning down anti-depressants, desperate to find what was missing to allow ME to feel happy.
You see, I’d been going around in circles for yeeeears and thought I'd tried 'everything' and there was no other escape, until the day I got over myself and for the first time ever, told someone the shame, guilt, resentment and fear I felt deep down and asked for help.
I wish I had known sooner what being vulnerable can really do for you. Have you ever heard the expression 'nothing is as invisible as the obvious'?
You see, like me, you already have the answers, you just haven't experienced having your awareness raised of that which you can't see, by someone who has been where you are and can see it.
Three years ago I had a calling to turn what I'd always done for friends and family into my every day income, and an 'imposter' I harboured at the time told me I needed a 'proper certification' to be taken seriously. So I became a certified Mindset Coach, NLP Coach, EFT and Hypnosis practitioner etc... and in the middle of this chapter I was baptised as a born again Christian.
My toolkit is vast and my expertise is in helping you let go of the lies you've been told (and told yourself) that formed you into a version of you that you are now outgrowing (that's why you're here). I help you step out of the cage of your mind and step back into life.
Permit me to illuminate your journey, and you will shortcut all the years I spent going in circles thinking it was everyone else that was the problem!
What I love? Spending weekends walking in the wilderness or by the sea. I adore listening and dancing to music (loud)! I'm a born performer and am the best party starter you'll ever meet.
My husband Jamie and I will celebrate our 17th wedding anniversary this year. We got married in a cave, in the middle of a dinosaur park (as you do)!
I am a huge lover of animals, especially horses, sheep, cats and dogs (we are currently the keeper of Moose, Sherman and Lucy our beloved furry companions).
I was born to serve and encourage others.
But in order to do that effectively and enjoy every minute of it, I undertook the biggest learning curve of my life and learnt to serve myself first.
I had to learn how to be uniquely and truly me, just the way God created me, and learn how to defend that identity every, single, day.
Signature Coaching Programme
If you are ready to peel back the veil and start choosing consistent small daily steps toward loving the life you live,
I can help you fast track that journey utilising my signature transformational programme
'The fulfilled life formula - a journey to love, peace and purpose'.
Bi-weekly 1:1 Coaching over 180 days.
World class mindset coaching sessions from a master illuminator of lies.
Full time WhatsApp support in-between sessions.
Accountability! No plodding through videos/guides.
Someone holding your hand who hears what you don't say, in order to bring you mind blowing realisations about your history
Become equipped with the simple tools that will serve you for the rest of your life.
You will be free of your negative overthinking mind
You will live in the moment
You will know who you are and what you want in life
You will be able to relax with ease
You will love yourself more than you ever thought possible
You will master your mental and emotional state
You will have unshakeable self esteem
You will make peace with and let go of your past
You will create loving and intimate relationships
You will excel at the work that is fulfilling for your mind, body and soul
You will create a compass that will steer you right in any situation
You will ditch the strife and enjoy the every day rhythm of life!
There are different ways of working with me depending on your specific requirements and your financial situation. Please book in an identity review below to find out more.
Make the decision to trust me on this journey and I will empower you to retrain your brain from frustration to faith and discover...
Who YOU are.
What YOU want.
Stay in Touch
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and receive occasional pearls of wisdom and guidance to help on your journey, enter your details below....